Christ Mission Anglican Benedictines

Monastic Vows of a Novice
The Abbot/Officiant asks the candidates:
What is your request?
The candidates answer:
I desire to become a professed novice of Christ Mission Anglican Benedictines – Order of Saint Benedict.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in the presence of these witnesses and of all the Holy Angels,
I Brother/Sister name Promise to perpetually live a life of Stability to this community and the monastic way of life.
I Brother/Sister name Promise to perpetually live a life of obedience to our Merciful Lord Jesus Christ, and each other according to the Rule of St. Benedict and Holy Scripture.
I Brother/Sister name Promise to perpetually live a life of continual repentance and conversion to the Sacred Cross of Jesus Christ, the Eternal Son of the Living God, our Father by the Grace of The Holy Ghost.
And, to live according to the bylaws and statues of the Order of Christ Mission Anglican Benedictines.
I hereby Vow, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. (making the sign of the cross)Amen
The Abbot or Novice Master then says,
“Here is the law under which you wish to fight. If you can observe it, enter; if you cannot, you are free to depart.” (Rule, Ch. 58)
Sign name and date [These vows are to be renewed annually]