Saved From Stress: Finding Relief From Anxiety Through Spiritual Freedom

After studying fundamentals of Benedictine spirituality and reading our homepage, Diane wrote this helpful article. She graciously gave permission for it to be published here. We are grateful for Diane’s valuable contribution.  Abbot Danny G. Nobles, PhD, OSB

by Diane Harrison

Casting your burdens upon the Lord is easier said than done, and there may be moments when the everyday stresses of life invoke anxiety and cause panic attacks. During these times, it’s important to remain cognizant of the fact that God is in control of every situation. Furthermore, there are habits you can incorporate into your routine that will help bring peace to your overall mindset and approach to life.

Spend Devotional Time with God Daily

Starting your morning with a spirit of worship and supplication adjusts your mindset to approach the rest of the day with peace. You can spend this time in prayer, reading the Bible, or listening to worship music. There are also a number of devotional channels and podcasts that may supplement your time with God. You’ll find that when challenges arise during your day, you’ll be able to draw on the truths that define you rather than focusing on the difficulty of the situation at hand.

Nurture Spiritual Family

Having a strong network of fellow believers to rely on is crucial when working to overcome anxiety and panic attacks. Your family in Christ can provide support, encouragement, and practical advice when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Furthermore, they can hold you accountable in your journey to living a life free of anxiety.

Spend Time In Nature

There’s something about being in the presence of God’s creation that has a way of calming the soul. Make it a point to take a walk outdoors, sit in the park, or spend time in your backyard. Let the beauty of nature refresh your spirit and help you see the world from God’s perspective.

Create a Stress-Free Home

Your home should be a sanctuary where you can worship God in freedom and peace. Remove clutter from the property by creating a storage system for digital and paper records. This will ensure that you don’t have cupboards overflowing with unnecessary mess. You could also improve the natural lighting and make use of ergonomic furniture to help you feel as relaxed and at ease as possible after a long day.

Treat Your Body as a Temple

Your body is the vessel God has given you to live out your purpose. As such, it’s important to take care of it both physically and spiritually. Eating healthy foods, exercising, and getting enough sleep are all important in maintaining a healthy body and mind. Furthermore, abstaining from substance abuse and self-destructive behaviors is crucial in keeping your body and soul in alignment with God’s will.

Seek Counseling From Spiritual Leaders

If you find yourself struggling with anxiety and panic attacks, it’s important to seek counsel from a spiritual leader. Your pastors and leaders are equipped to provide you with the resources and guidance you need to work through your challenges. In addition, they can offer prayers and support as you seek to overcome anxiety and live a life that’s pleasing to God.

Learn Bible Verses to Meditate On

There are a number of Bible verses that specifically address anxiety and fear. Spend time memorizing and meditating on these verses, and allow them to speak truth and peace into your life. Some verses you may want to consider include Psalm 46:10, Philippians 4:6-7, and Isaiah 41:10.

Anxiety and panic attacks can be debilitating, but you don’t have to face these challenges alone. It’s important to remember that God is seeing you through every struggle you face and that, through Him, you can overcome being plagued by anxiety. Begin your journey to freedom by seeking the right resources and Biblical advice.

Christ Mission Anglican Benedictines aim to exhort and edify our community through pastoral care and adherence to the Rule of Saint Benedict. Find out more about our mission at:



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Danny Nobles

email: I grew up in rural Alabama, the youngest of six boys. Inheriting values of faith and service to others from my parents. Connie and I met in Kansas. We married and raised two daughters. Today, 43 years later, we live in North Carolina and enjoy 7 grandchildren. Retired from the Army, I entered seminary and earned a PhD, studying the stresses faced by Christian leaders and ways of promoting their wellbeing. Seeking a different path of spiritual growth, I discovered the Order of St. Benedict, and found a community of faithful disciples who seek to be with our Lord more than trying to do Christianity. Sounds strange, doesn’t it? As I learned to pray contemplatively, it was as if my second lung began to breath. My life became less hectic and my soul found peace. To me, monastic spirituality is being with God in community. As we serve others, we realize that God is serving through us. My advice to others - seek to be with God rather than insisting on doing for God. As He fills you with Himself, He will do mighty things around (and sometimes through) you.