Call to Vows?
You have many talents and many possibilities. And yet, maybe God is not asking that you do anything but give yourself to Him in a life of service, for the sake of the world.
Are you seeking a deeper relationship with God?
Everyone is called by God to live a Christ-centered life. All life choices – marriage, the single life, religious life and holy orders – serve as a call to holiness and service to God’s people. The Baptismal call to holiness is a universal call to a deepening of our relationship with God.
What are the signs of a monastic vocation?
- Desire to seek God
- Feeling drawn to the Liturgy of the Hours (daily praying of Scriptures and Psalms in community) and The Rule of Benedict
- Wanting to live within a religious community and be of service in the Church
- Yearning to extend hospitality, to live simply, and to reverence silence
- Embracing diversity and entering into relationships with others
- Cultivating one’s gifts and talents to grow into the person God is calling one to be
- Good health
- Openness to the experience of God’s mercy in one’s life
I am seeking…
- Conversation to learn more
- Insights into the Spiritual Life (spiritual direction is offered at the Monastery)
- A spiritual retreat, seminar, quiet time, or prayer experience
- To make a difference with my life
- To begin the process of discerning a Religious Vocation
Interested in Becoming a Vowed Member?

Aspirants explore the Benedictine Way and discern if you are called to this community. This stage lasts from 6 months to 2 years.

During Postulancy you live as part of the community. In this second stage, one gathers with the community to share our prayer and study.

The Novitiate is a period of contemplative prayer and study. You study the Benedictine way of prayer, study, solitude and work.

Temporary vows are a time to enter more deeply into the experience of monastic commitment, develop a rhythm of prayer & ministry.

This is a life-long commitment to seek God according to the Gospel and the Rule of Benedict with the members of Christ Mission Anglican Benedictines.