Saved From Stress: Finding Relief From Anxiety Through Spiritual Freedom

After studying fundamentals of Benedictine spirituality and reading our homepage, Diane wrote this helpful article. She graciously gave permission for it to be published here. We are grateful for Diane's valuable contribution.  Abbot Danny G. Nobles, PhD, OSBby Diane HarrisonCasting your burdens upon the Lord is easier said than done,…

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What is Calling?

Calling is a word that we often hear in Christian circles. Some are convicted of their “call” and others are waiting for clarity of their “call.” I often find myself in the second camp. Still others confuse call with their personal dreams, plans, and desires. Certainly, calling is compelling and…

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Sacred Spaces: “The Lord is in His holy temple…”

Taking a break from commenting on the Rule of St. Benedict, I am sharing an article that I recently wrote for Church of the Redeemer in Greensboro, NC. ------------------- God has always established holy landmarks where his presence is somehow more evident. Physical places where he manifests himself in greater…

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