Revitalize Your Routine

Revitalize Your Routine: Small Changes for Lasting Health This article was contributed by guest author Julia Mitchell Embarking on the path to sustainable wellness requires a conscientious approach to everyday living. Healthy habits, when practiced consistently, not only enhance your physical well-being but also improve mental health and overall quality…

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Saved From Stress: Finding Relief From Anxiety Through Spiritual Freedom

After studying fundamentals of Benedictine spirituality and reading our homepage, Diane wrote this helpful article. She graciously gave permission for it to be published here. We are grateful for Diane's valuable contribution.  Abbot Danny G. Nobles, PhD, OSBby Diane HarrisonCasting your burdens upon the Lord is easier said than done,…

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What is Calling?

Calling is a word that we often hear in Christian circles. Some are convicted of their “call” and others are waiting for clarity of their “call.” I often find myself in the second camp. Still others confuse call with their personal dreams, plans, and desires. Certainly, calling is compelling and…

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Chapter 69: The Presumption of Defending Another in the Monastery

This is a challenging chapter of The Rule. Holy Scripture teaches us to love our neighbors as ourselves. The only area that Saint Benedict promotes us to compete in our zeal toward one another and in obedience to one another (RB 72).  However, before he encourages us to show preference to one…

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Chapter 68: Assignment of Impossible Tasks to a Brother

Saint Benedict’s wisdom and gentleness shine through his instruction in this chapter. We are sometimes given a task that appears too monumental to be able to accomplish. Our first response may be to confess defeat before even attempting the assignment. Our response may be to complain and grumble about being…

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Chapter 60: The Admission of Priests to the Monastery

Saint Benedict sits before us another sensitive topic, once concerned with receiving priests into the community. One powerful lesson that we learn from St. Benedict is the importance of clear communications and understanding expectations prior to accepting anyone into the community. While this may appear contrary to our charge for…

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Chapter 59: The Offering of Sons by Nobles or by the Poor

Perhaps this is one of the more challenging chapters of The Ruleto properly apply to our contemporary age, especially in a community dispersed in the larger society. Still, there are lessons for our community. Granted, we do not receive children to raise them in the walls of a monastery as our…

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Chapter 58 – Procedure for Receiving Brothers [or Sisters]

Our beloved Saint Benedict makes a clear distinction between hospitality and receiving new members into the community. Visitors are to be welcomed guests. They benefit from the fruits of the communal norms, receiving compassion, nourishment, and rest. While guests receive from the community, they receive from what is available. They…

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Chapter 54 – Letters or Gifts for Monks

Social standing, whether based on race, gender, caste, education, or anything else lends opportunity to elitism. However, community built on the wisdom of St. Benedict’s Rule is a community of equals. Sixth century Roman culture exuded elitist values. Those who joined a monastic community would bring the seeds of “personal…

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Sacred Spaces: “The Lord is in His holy temple…”

Taking a break from commenting on the Rule of St. Benedict, I am sharing an article that I recently wrote for Church of the Redeemer in Greensboro, NC. ------------------- God has always established holy landmarks where his presence is somehow more evident. Physical places where he manifests himself in greater…

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Chapter 50 – Members Working at a Distance or Traveling

Included in the early principles that I learned while serving in the Pentagon was that planning for the complexities of life require two ingredients; acknowledgement of the real when contemplating the ideal – AND – incorporating flexibility into everything is key to success in anything. St. Benedict weaved both of…

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Chapter 46 – Faults Committed in Other Matters

Genius has been defined as the ability to simplify the complex. St. Benedict offers many powerful lessons in this brief chapter on the handling of sin. He teaches us that there is personal responsibility in faults. He teaches there are responsibilities of the community. He teaches that leaders have gained…

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Chapter 44 – Sanctification by the Excommunicated

How healthy is the individual who cannot recognize one’s illness? What is the condition of a couple’s relationship when they refuse to acknowledge their disorder? When is a society depraved when it refuses to accept responsibility for its own failure to provide for itself? Have we become blind to the…

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Chapter 43 – Tardiness at the Work of God or at Table

The first reading may offend some of us and draw criticism of shame discipline. After all, Benedict writes the purpose of discipline is “that the attention they attract will shame them…” However, there is much to be considered regarding this chapter that deals with willful tardiness to chapel or meals.…

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Chapter 39 – The Proper Amount of Food

One may be surprised by Benedict’s “restriction” on food. However, he keeps with a common spirit throughout our Rule of Life. Sister Joan Chittester notes that our monastic father provides exceptions for everything except kindness and self-control.[1] Long fasts that deprive the physical body of needed nutrition is not recognized…

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Chapter 37 – The Elderly and Children

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit the orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”[1] A great trait of Benedictine spirituality is hospitality. Throughout communities adhering to the precepts of The Rule, hospitality is more than…

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Chapter 35 – Kitchen Servers of the Week

Several years ago, my wife and I celebrated Easter at the Officer Christian Fellowship lodge in White Sulphur Springs, PA. The tradition there was meals we enjoyed together and afterwards everyone cleared the tables and washed the dishes. It a great equalizer where young cadets and midshipmen worked alongside old…

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Chapter 34 – Distribution of Goods According to Need

Benedict considered the church described in Acts 4 as he penned this chapter of The Rule. This principle did not presume that austerity or deprivation was a virtue to be pursued. Needs are to be met. Neither did Benedict promote some communal equality where each citizen shared the same of…

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Chapter 32 – The Tools and Goods of the Monastery

In my modest attempt to consider The Rule of St. Benedict, I often quote from Sr. Joan Chittister’s work, “A Spirituality for the 21st Century.” She provides practical lessons of deep insight. On a few occasions, St. Joan’s commentary is so succinct that nothing more needs to be added and…

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Chapter 31 – Qualifications of the Monastery Cellarer

Paul the Apostle, considered the human body as an example of God’s formation of community. Each part of the body playing a role. Whether the role was large or small, each part shares equal importance by contributing to the health of the whole body. Benedict has described the roles of…

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Chapter 29 – Readmission of Those Who Leave

A beloved parable of our Lord is the story known as The Prodigal Son (or The Loving Father, depending on one’s perspective). St. Luke records Jesus illustrating fatherly forgiveness to a son who left his home, squandered his inheritance, and returned broken. The father rejoiced for his son “was dead,…

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Chapter 27 – Concern for the Disciplined

Throughout St. Benedict’s guidance on discipline, the underlying message remains love. Patience and long suffering are the cornerstones of discipline. Grace and mercy are ever offered to the offender. In this way, the community’s discipline mirrors the virtues of Christ Himself; merciful, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast…

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Chapter 26 – Forbidden Association with the Excommunicated

The title of this chapter cuts to the root of a problem that we face in contemporary life. It sounds draconian and unloving. A closer look and the underlying issue reveals a commitment to a most loving response to correcting flaws in our living. My children and grandchildren often attempted…

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Chapter 24 – Degrees of Excommunication

I am amazed when stopping to consider the wisdom and compassion of St. Benedict toward those who looked to him for spiritual guidance. Even in the most challenging of topics, the monastic father suggested effective and gentle courses of correction. Remembering the cause of excommunication was prescribed in the last…

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Chapter 22 – The Sleeping Arrangements

Wow! Really? St. Benedict even micromanaged the sleeping arrangements in his communities? Those are the cynical responses of my western cultural upbringing. The initial reaction is to criticize these apparent constraints on one of my most fundamental freedoms – how I sleep! However, when I step away from my contemporary…

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Chapter 14 – Celebrating Saints through Night Prayer

     Benedict offers brief instructions for celebrating Vigil prayers on feast days of saints. Two sentences outline the procedures for those prayers. He refers to Sunday Vigils, but he emphasizes the tone of the prayers are to be solemn. Saintly life is disciplined, filled with challenges and ridicule by a…

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Chapter 13 – Weekday Morning Prayers

The previous reflection considered the details of the liturgical elements that Benedict quickly directed for use during Lauds on Sundays. Chapter 13’s reflection builds on the now familiar responsories, hymns, versicles, and canticles by prescribing fresh Psalms for use in this prayer.  St. Benedict continues to instruct the community to…

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Chapter 7 – Humility

The suggestion that humility offers cure to our social ills sounds naïve in a culture that values ambition, boasts of its independence, and demands its rights be recognized and honored above all others. The demand for autonomy appears to eclipse submission to anything. However, Benedict reflected on the teachings of…

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Chapter 6 – Silence

Sandwiched between the topics of obedience and humility, Benedict providentially wrote of the importance of silence. His admonition is important to all of us. Too often we are quick to speak. We share our opinions, critiques, desires, fears, and self-valued wisdom with anyone who will pause long enough to offer…

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Chapter 5 – Obedience

Benedict begins the fifth chapter with another challenging maxim, “The first step of humility is unhesitating obedience…”[1] Obedience to leaders may be as controversial as suggesting tools of for good works. However, just as Jesus teaches that favor is discovered through the path of humility, Benedict offers that humility is…

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Chapter 4 – Instruments of Good Work

Discussion of works being necessary for believers often has sparked opposition with others who recognize salvation as the free gift of God’s grace fulfilled in Jesus mortality and His victory over death. Becoming entrenched on the debate of ‘works versus grace’ unfortunately misses the biblical value placed on each. Opposing…

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The Rule, Chapter 1

Matthew, Mark, and Luke record a story that Jesus used to illustrate how the gospel message impacted different people. We call the story The Parable of the Soils. In St. Luke’s account the Christ says, “A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell along…

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Prologue to The Rule

I have reflected on a recently read comment, “People will no longer let us script their spiritual journey, but they will let us help shape it.” As I visit people in times of pain and fear, that statement resounds in their attitudes toward spiritual care. They are far more open…

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