Different from taking monastic vows. The life of an Oblate has a flexibility that adjusts to the demands of life and is renewed each year during an annual retreat. Benedictine Oblates are encouraged to join in the prayer and ministries of the Monastic Community. Vowed Members and Oblates provide for each other prayerful support and relationships that help each member to serve Christ by living Gospel values, according to the Rule of St. Benedict. Please contact us by emailing to contact@christmission.us. We will arrange a telephone conversation to explore your interests.

Christ Mission Anglican Benedictines

Oblate Promises

The Abbot/Bishop/Priest asks the candidates:

What is your request?

The candidates answer:

I desire to commit my life to God as a professed Oblate of the Christ Mission Benedictines – Order of Saint Benedict.

The Abbot/Bishop/Priest says:

I set before you today a way of life. To embrace it you must die to self and proclaim the victory of the Cross of Christ over sin, death and the grave. These promises that you make today are promises to God to live as humble examples of obedience and stability, ever being transformed into the blessed image of Christ, our Lord.

The Abbot says:

N.N. do you make these promises in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in the presence of these witnesses and of all the Holy Angels.

The Oblate says:

With the Lord’s help, I do.

 The Abbot says:

Do you promise to perpetually live a life of Stability to this community and the monastic way of life.

The Oblate says:

With the Lord’s help, I do.

 The Abbot says:

Do you promise to perpetually live a life of obedience to our Merciful Lord Jesus Christ, and each other according to the Rule of St. Benedict and Holy Scripture.

The Oblate says:

With the Lord’s help, I do.

 The Abbot says:

Do you promise to continual repentance and conversion to the Sacred Cross of Jesus Christ, the Eternal Son of the Living God, our Father by the Grace of The Holy Ghost.

And, to live according to the Constitution, Canons, and bylaws of the Order of the Christ Mission Anglican Benedictines.

The Oblate says:

With the Lord’s help, I do.

 The Abbot says:

What other promises do you wish to make to the Lord as you enter this path of Oblate life?

The Oblate responds as they desire.

The Abbot says:

Do you make these promises in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. (making the sign of the cross) Amen

The Oblate says:

With the Lord’s help, I do.

 The Abbot/Bishop/Priest prays:

To prepare a people fit for you, you commanded a voice to cry in the desert and proclaim a Baptism for the forgiveness of sins. Finally, you sent your Son to assume our flesh. He bore our sins in His body on the cross that we might die to sin, live for holiness and have life everlasting.

The Abbot/Bishop/Priest adds:

We implore you O Lord God Almighty, to look with favor upon this your servant. With your glorious power fill him/her with your Holy Spirit, strengthen him (her) against temptation, that they may persevere in your service.

Make him (her) watchful in prayer and mindful of your Word.

Clothe him (her) with compassion; with kindness and humility, gentleness and patience. Deepen his (her) love for all of mankind. Confirm his/her hearts in holiness.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Ghost, one God for ever and ever.

By God’s protection may you persevere until the end of your days in the Benedictine way of life and in faithfulness and obedience to His Holy Word. All this we ask through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.