What is Calling?

Calling is a word that we often hear in Christian circles. Some are convicted of their “call” and others are waiting for clarity of their “call.” I often find myself in the second camp. Still others confuse call with their personal dreams, plans, and desires. Certainly, calling is compelling and…

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Chapter 69: The Presumption of Defending Another in the Monastery

This is a challenging chapter of The Rule. Holy Scripture teaches us to love our neighbors as ourselves. The only area that Saint Benedict promotes us to compete in our zeal toward one another and in obedience to one another (RB 72).  However, before he encourages us to show preference to one…

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Chapter 68: Assignment of Impossible Tasks to a Brother

Saint Benedict’s wisdom and gentleness shine through his instruction in this chapter. We are sometimes given a task that appears too monumental to be able to accomplish. Our first response may be to confess defeat before even attempting the assignment. Our response may be to complain and grumble about being…

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Chapter 60: The Admission of Priests to the Monastery

Saint Benedict sits before us another sensitive topic, once concerned with receiving priests into the community. One powerful lesson that we learn from St. Benedict is the importance of clear communications and understanding expectations prior to accepting anyone into the community. While this may appear contrary to our charge for…

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Chapter 59: The Offering of Sons by Nobles or by the Poor

Perhaps this is one of the more challenging chapters of The Ruleto properly apply to our contemporary age, especially in a community dispersed in the larger society. Still, there are lessons for our community. Granted, we do not receive children to raise them in the walls of a monastery as our…

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Chapter 58 – Procedure for Receiving Brothers [or Sisters]

Our beloved Saint Benedict makes a clear distinction between hospitality and receiving new members into the community. Visitors are to be welcomed guests. They benefit from the fruits of the communal norms, receiving compassion, nourishment, and rest. While guests receive from the community, they receive from what is available. They…

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Chapter 54 – Letters or Gifts for Monks

Social standing, whether based on race, gender, caste, education, or anything else lends opportunity to elitism. However, community built on the wisdom of St. Benedict’s Rule is a community of equals. Sixth century Roman culture exuded elitist values. Those who joined a monastic community would bring the seeds of “personal…

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