Home of Christ Mission Anglican Benedictines
Experience a monasticism of the heart



We offer spiritual formation to all people who seek to live a more authentic life, including those who are already Vowed Religious, Benedictine Oblates, or Associates. Anyone who wants a deeper relationship with the Benedictine community and to become more involved with our ministries is invited to join us today.
“When we seek to be with God, we discover communion with Him and one another. Living in prayer and study we learn to be still. God draws us to Himself. Our work is prayer. God accomplishes His plans as we yield to His will. We discover our longings to live as human beings rather than human “doings.” As we replace the desire to control with the desire to be with God, we find rest.”
Abbot Dan Nobles, OSB
“Stand at the crossroads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths. Ask where the good way is and walk in it. And you will find rest for your soul.
Jeremiah 6:16

“Quaerite Primum Esse Cum Deo”
Seek First to Be with God